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Motiva Selection

Sustainable fit to a job and a company 

Candidates no longer apply to stay in a company for the rest of their lives. 59% of young graduates in technology generally do not stay for more than 2 years (Deloitte, 2018). Some do not complete their trial period or resign quickly.

Retaining candidates for a longer period is crucial. Others may stay for in the company for a longer time, however, may lose motivation for their work. This is also a problem.

How are you currently ensuring that your new recruits will remain motivated and sustainably successful?

Our Selection Philosophy


According to our research, individuals’ long term success in work seems to be mainly explained by the combination of the followings:

  • What interests them

  • What they feel able to do in their fields of interests

  • What are their key motivations

  • To what extent their key motivations are/were satisfied (current/last job)

  • What are their soft skills

  • What is their motivational readiness to develop the key skills of the future


The “uniqueness” of the individual

We consider it imperative to develop psychological tools in order to reflect the specific characteristics of the individual, rather than attempting to group people into categories/typologies by looking for similarities between them.

Attention Span

Shorter attention spans thus require test completion times of no more than 15-20 minutes.


Motiva results have been designed to be understood almost intuitively.

Smart Profiling

Motivational job profiling, Motivational Fit between the job and the profile of the candidate.

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key skills and motivational readiness

Recruiter back office

Why Motiva Selection was made
  • With a top-down approach, managers put candidates in roles without asking them their own opinions. This happens all too often.

  • Usually, when a person is put through an assessment, conclusions are drawn about that person without ever having met or interacted with them. The person is evaluated, categorized and discussed as though they have been known for a long time.

  • Do you think the “selfie” generation wants to be locked into an old model?   No! This generation wants to be given the opportunity to show what makes them unique, what motivates them, what skills, unique experiences they can bring.

  • Candidates increasingly expect to be considered as clients. This is your employer brand image.

How to use Motiva selection

1. Attraction: Motiva selection is integrated into the company's website. It will be used to attract potential candidates who match the company's jobs and strengthen the employer brand.

2. Screening: Motiva selection will be used as a filter, allowing to keep for the rest of the selection process only candidates with a high level of matching with the job.

3. Selection (Interview): the results of Motiva selection will be used as structured guidelines for the recruitment interview (see Mike's job interview video).

4. Final recruitment: to identify the best candidates for the job, Motiva selection will be used in conjunction with other Pearson Talentlens tests (Personality, cognitive skills, etc).

How to use Motiva selection

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