Be deeply innovative, stay highly scientific
Motiva methodology is offering a real opportunity to find the best fit between individual's motivations and professional career
Do I like it?
Determines what the individual likes to do in the world of work.
Can I do it?
Determines what the individual feels able to do his fields of interests.
How do I want to work?
Determines the individual’s preferred job environment and way of working.
Am I satisfied?
Evaluates the individual’s current work-related satisfaction.
Motiva assessment basics
Motiva scientific approach
Selecting theoretical and practical tools
According to our research, an individual’s relationship with their work seems to be explained by the combination of professional interests (what interests the person in the professional field) and motivational satisfaction (to what extent the person is satisfied with what is important to them).
Towards theoretical models and psychometric tools that better reflect the uniqueness of the individual
We consider it imperative to develop psychological tools in order to reflect the specific characteristics of the individual, rather than attempting to group people into categories/typologies by looking for similarities between them.
Measurement tailored to the world we live in today
Guaranteeing the reliability of the measurement in a rapidly changing world: Shorter attention spans thus require test completion times of no more than 15-20 minutes.
Vocational interests/actionable interests: the interest profile obtained gives an idealized image that is sometimes perceived as being too out of touch with reality. For this reason, we have chosen to supplement the standard measurement of interests with an additional measurement that measures the extent to which the individual feels capable of working in the fields that interest them.
Occupational levels: the attraction towards fields is measured, as well as towards occupational levels. This is extremely useful for identifying occupations that are best suited to an individual.
A method of support/use that is built around the tool
Shifting from a causal rationale to a workable rationale: when supporting an individual, focusing on the effects rather than on the causes changes the frame of reference.
Switching between interests and motivations in the field of consciousness before acting: The first fundamental step in successfully supporting an individual with Motiva involves going through each of the person’s individual interests and motivational mainsprings in the field of their consciousness.
Reduce the cognitive load to free the imagination: Through Motiva, we have tried to minimise the cognitive load of the tool and the results have been designed to be understood almost intuitively.
Maintaining and monitoring motivational satisfaction: It is essential that the individual constantly monitors their motivational state in order to overcome difficulties they might face.