Career success cannot be achieved without motivation
Digital and scientific solutions to integrate motivation into HR processes
Which Career For Me Professional
Career planning tool to make the right professional choices and build stimulating and fulfilling careers.
My Motivation
A solution dedicated to the improvement of individual and collective motivation.
Which Career For Me Student
Help people find a professional project that motivates them and interests them
Motiva Upskilling
Improve your employee's existing skills ot bridge the gaps in your business
Job crafting
Remodel your job so that it better reflects your values, your needs and, above all, your motivations
The context
Over the last decades, our fast-changing society has strongly impacted employment and the way we work. Unfortunately, many people feel helpless and struggle with these changes.
Pressure for financial performance and economic profitability has also led to an increasing level of work-related stress.
In this context, it has become necessary to do something that we like and that we are interested in, not only to have a fluffing career but also to have the energy to develop new skills and explore new career paths.
Motiva’s Key Assets​​
​More than 25 years of research and practice in the field of career coaching and psychological testing (the book describing Motiva’s theory was published in December 2015) by its founder Prof Zwi Segal & Yves Duron.
Instant online results for the consultant and the candidate on separated online spaces.​
A proprietary smart computerized platform (Psycloud).
Uses generative AI
+ 2550 codified jobs in the database all linked to 5+ job description links
Data security and confidentiality
Compatible with computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Highly accurate and reliable, scientifically tested (the new scientific manual of Motiva was published in February 2022).
Job database regularly updated with new emerging jobs and linked to ESCO database
Ergonomic and intuitive user interface.